with Steve Pratt, Author of the hit book Earn It

Business Objective

A prominent auto association sought to increase awareness and engagement with potential future members, particularly targeting a younger demographic. The goal was to connect with Millennials in urban centers across the Northeast, fostering a deeper relationship with a demographic that is key to the association’s growth and longevity. At the same time, they needed to avoid alienating existing members in the older demographic. 

The Solution

JAR Audio developed a podcast which became a powerful tool to reach the association’s target audience. The podcast content focused on relevant life topics, including car safety, family planning, and more, all through a lens that resonated with Millennials and young families. 

Through careful research and audience insights, the podcast positioned itself as a trusted guide, featuring intergenerational conversations, and delivering actionable advice in a relatable, approachable tone. With a focus on storytelling, the podcast addressed common concerns of Millennials, such as car safety and preparing for major life milestones.

Key factors that contributed to the podcast’s success included:

  • Targeting urban listeners under the age of 45, with specific messaging around family and lifestyle.
  • Featuring expert interviews and real-life stories to create engaging, informative episodes.
  • Featuring intergenerational “how to” conversations about accomplishing certain life goals, making older members feel included, while at the same time appealing to younger prospective members.
  • Collaborating with various platforms like Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music to promote the podcast and gain broader visibility

Millennial audience

67% of the audience is under the age of 45, with the majority of listeners aged 30 to 39, which aligns perfectly with the client’s target demographic.

Regional success

46% of listeners reside in New York or New Jersey, making it a regional success, particularly in key urban centers such as New York City and Boston.

Chart performance

The podcast reached #7 in the “How To” category on Apple Podcasts USA and was featured on Apple’s “Adulting 101” Browse page, further solidifying its reputation as a go-to resource for its target audience.

Deep engagement

Audience members spent approximately 140 hours listening to the podcast, with an average completion rate of 70%, showcasing its ability to maintain listener attention.


By crafting engaging content that resonated with Millennials, the association not only strengthened its brand but also positioned itself as an essential part of its audience’s lives.